Skin Care 101
Skin care is the range of practices that support skin integrity, enhances appearance, and relieves skin conditions. Skin care is a daily practice that attempts to address issues such as: skin that is either dry or oily, dermatitis, and skin injuries. Routine practices can also include nutrition, avoidance of excessive sun exposure, and appropriate use of emollients.

skin tips

Essential Oils That Are Good for Dry Skin
Roman or German Chamomile
Rose Hip
Essential oils that are good for Oily Skin
Sweet Orange
Tea Tree & Honey

essential oils for dry &oily skin
Lavender- It’s an anti-inflammatory that can reduce redness and a natural hydrator that can repair dry skin without making it too greasy.
Sandalwood-contains compounds known for reducing inflammation while promoting moisture in the skin.
Tea Tree-Derived from the melaleuca tree, Tea tree oil is one of the most notable antiseptics in alternative medicine. It helps fight bacteria and inflammation, both of which can contribute to acne breakouts
Cedarwood-This oil is beneficial for both oily and dry skin and boosts the general health of your skin (great for teens!).
Citrus Oils-Citrus oils like Lemon, Grapefruit, Lime, and Sweet Orange are natural astringents that work to cleanse oil-prone skin while toning and tightening. Their antiseptic properties also help protect against acne-causing bacteria.
Sweet Orange- is shown to promote the production of collagen as well as increase the blood flow to the skin. It is helpful at soothing dry, irritated skin as well as acne-prone skin.
Cypress- can not only help repair capillary vein damage often found around the nose area, but it also shrinks swollen blood vessels. this essential oil is also a good choice to use as an astringent on the skin, to kill bacteria or to tackle cellulite.
Geranium- Its antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiseptic properties make it beneficial for reducing acne breakouts, skin irritation, and skin infections.
Rose Hip- Rosehip oil's vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, and linoleic acids heal the skin. Rosehip oil’s antioxidants brighten your skin. It is a great option for acne-prone skin because of it's high concentration of linoleic acid. An all-natural, essential fatty acid, linoleic acid has been shown to reduce acne when topically applied. Rosehip oil is an emollient that softens and smooths the skin by binding skin cells back together. Great for rough or flaky skin.
Lime essential oil- is a natural antioxidant. Antioxidants help to remove free radicals that damage cells, including those of the skin. This helps reduce signs of aging such as fine lines, sun spots, and wrinkles. Its astringent properties help keep the skin firm, reducing sagging.
skin treatment myths
Toothpaste is not a treatment for acne. Toothpaste will irritate the skin, and the pimple will probably eventually disappear along with the irritation, but toothpaste is in no way a primary treatment for acne. Certain ingredients found in toothpaste, such as baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, menthol, essential oils, triclosan have drying properties. However, there are no ingredients in toothpaste that make this method more effective than conventional treatments and over-drying and even burning can occur on skin from applying it to pimples.
Using products with larger quantities will not yield better results. You do not need to go over the top, as excessive amounts of any product may cause skin dryness or irritation.
Combination skin is a bit of a myth. If you’ve noticed you have an oily T-zone but dry cheeks, you’ve probably been told you’ve got ‘combination skin’, but that could be a result of the products you’re using.
Your skin won’t adapt to a product and stop working. There’s a myth circulating that claims if you use a product long enough, it’ll eventually stop working. Continue using products that make your skin feel hydrated, soft and balanced. On the other hand, if you’re using a product that continues to cause irritation, consult with your dermatologist to identify which products may work best for your skin.